Sunday, March 15, 2015

Let The FUNdraising begin!

A couple weeks ago I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the dollar amount that this adoption will require.  I remember coming home and just opening my Bible and praying that God would just give me some clarity and peace with the financial side of this adoption.  I opened to Matthew 14 and just started reading and read through the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.  The disciples were worried about how they were going to feed all these people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  I'm no different than the disciples.  I look at our adoption situation and I was asking myself, "How are we going to do this with the little that we have?".  The disciples wanted to send the people away and have them buy their own food, but Jesus' answer to them was, "They don't need to go away.  YOU give them something to eat."  Their response to Jesus was doubt, looking at what little food they had and seeing so many people.  Jesus responded again and said, "Bring them here to ME."  He went on to miraculously provide food for all the people there and had 12 baskets left over for his disciples. 

I wanted to share that because it's really easy for me to look at the practical side of this adoption and be nervous and worried about how God will come through.  God is teaching me a ton of things with that fear that I'll continue to write about through this journey, but for this purpose God lead me to that scripture to show me that Nate and I need to bring him our 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and He is going to multiply them and it's going to be incredible to watch!  I've gone from doubt and fear on how this will play out to super excited to see how God is going to come through for our family.  I have an expectant heart and mindset that He will provide. 

Shortly after I posted our story on the blog, God already laid it on two people's heart to reach out to us.  One was a friend who offered to share our link from Pure Charity and another was from a lady who is doing lots of great things in Africa to help women and orphans as well, and who Nate and I have heard about for a while but only recently met last week.  She offered to donate 20 bags from Ghana for us to sell and all the proceeds will be used for our adoption!  Awesome!  So here are a few pictures of the bags.  They are all different patterns but the same style.  I already have one that I use as my purse and it fits a lot in there.  If you're interested in one, send me a message or email me and I can get it to you!  And if you live near me, you can come on over and pick out the one you would like.  They are $20 a bag.

We have also set up an online giving account for anyone that feels lead to make a tax deductible donation towards our adoption.  The link for that is  If you're not comfortable doing that online, please contact me via Facebook or at, and I can give you a couple other options you can use to make a tax deductible donation. 

We have been blown away by the support and prayers we have already received and we want to say a huge THANK YOU! 

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