Saturday, December 11, 2010

Almost Time!

It's almost time for baby Wykle to make her appearance and I guess we're ready:) Some days I am very ready and then I start to freak out a little bit thinking about the reality of it all. I am excited to see her little face and hold her and see who she looks like.

Max likes to talk about the baby and every time I have an appointment he tells me the baby is going to get cut, so I'm not really sure what that's about! He is getting so smart and observant and repeats a lot of things we say, and so he'll usually come touch my belly and say 'baby coming soon'. I'm afraid he has no idea what's about to happen to him:) I think he'll be a great big brother but I know it will take some adjusting. He is such a little helper and his new thing is to take all our dishes, one by one, off the table and put them in the sink after supper. He likes to be a part of everything we're doing, so I know he'll want to help with the baby whether I want him to or not.

Here's just a few random photos.

He loves his hooded sweatshirts and gets mad if I put a sweatshirt on him without a hood.

Max with a messy face and Daddy.

Tessa and Max playing outside on a much warmer day:)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! Max's cute little personality just cracks me up. He'll be a great big brother. :)


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